Friday, November 21, 2008

Action reflection

I have written the four modes and posted them on my blog. The way i went about this was by answering each question asked in the sheet given to us and then combing everything into a paragraph's. I looked up different clips on youtube that brought up the emotions i wanted and found a photo that would make the most hard hearted person feel something. I also did my community service hours and will be going again tomorrow. Last saturday i made sandwhichs for homeless people and then drove down town where we handed them out. It was a very sad sight.


I need to do my interveiw

Monday, November 10, 2008

ana bib 231-290

Gregory Dwyre
Annotated Bibliography

Vogler, Christopher, and Michele Montez. The Writer's Journey : Mythic Structure for Writers. Boston: Michael Wiese Productions, 2007. 231-290.

This section is very different from the other ones we have been reading. His goal in this section is for us the reader to take the lessons we have learned about the heros journey and view and examine them in other works. HE starts by saying the the heroes journey is just a guide line and that people like it when you don’t always follow it and are creative about telling the story. He gave a good idea for when you are writing the story about putting different pieces of information down on 12 note cards, that way you can move around different event not cementing it in one area.
He first talks about the Titanic. Talks about the opening scene with Rosie who tells the story being found by man looking for clues and diamond from sunken boat. He goes on the example and point out different scenes and where they fall under the hero’s journey. He talked about how the timing of the movie was very important with the discovery of the Titanic being very recent. With this movie he talked about a very interesting idea called Denouement- untying knots smoothing out the story which is what happens in the Titanic when she throws he diamond off the boat.
Next he talked about the Lion King. He commented on how he helped work on it and the creative process. He talks about the stories out line and the journey of simba, starting off with the baptism of Simba and his connection with the church. He wasn’t happy with many parts of the movie, things in wrong place and other things not added or taken out
The next film was Pulp Fiction, this movie he says is seen a story that is full of different scenes that connect here and there, like a broken mirror. Said that this type was perfect for this time period with war and the fragmented mind state of many people.
The next movie he talks about is the full Monty which is about a guy in economical down fall gets idea-stripping- and changes his life. He goes once again into the different stages of the heroes journey with this story.
The last thing he talks about is Star Wars. He basically sums up every important thing that happens in all the movies and gives away a lot about the movies. He talks about how it was a very good movie, that combined pop culture and all his ideas very well and that having it as as eries over time helped make it even bigger

I found his talk about the 12 cards very interesting and what seemed to me as a useful tool when trying to construct as story. It gives you free will to move scenes around so that you can find where they fit best. It helps you clear your mind and understand what you want out of your story.


1) Why is examining other stories important?
2) Is he in love with star wars?
3) What are some of the ways you can look at a movie and break it down into its basic elements?
4) Do you think Volgers Lion King would have been better? (NO)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


During my exploration of Project 2 and the issues involved I read a lot about suffering and death. I saw images in my head of starving children, people suffering and living on the ground. The research reminded me of my trip to Ecuador where kids were beaten if they didn’t get enough money from begging. Over what I am trying to say from this image can be put into an equation “poverty=hunger+ starvation+ death”. I feel that this presentation is ment for people between the ages of 17 to 60 because ei feel that these people ewill be able to grasp the issues at stake and do something. The emotions brought out by this picture are sadness, pity, and disgust. The picture makes you look at your life and how you live and make you think “is it ethically/morally right to let this happen to someone?” In this picture I see the problem of poverty in Ecuador. In the back you see a vulture sitting just waiting. This bird represents the Ecuadorian government, and the upper class that is profiting off the rest of the country. The child represents the constantly growing lower class and their struggle to live descent human lives.

d. Song

Where is the love?

This song is about poverty and doing something to help. The song brings up the issues of the government not helping other people “turning the other cheek.” The song has images that go with it that bring the message home. The song talks about doing the right/morally right things “wheres the truth”. With the images and song you are drawn in, and soon emotions start flowing. Listening to the words and images you feel sad, but a sense of hope, as if there is something you can do to help. Logically the songs words are asking you a question “Can you let this happen?” The logical answers is no and makes you want to help. The words of the song are the important part. In the song the question of “where is the love” asked. The verse that hit me was “people killing people dying, children hurting you hear them crying, can you practice what you preach don’t you turn the other cheek” This sums up the effect of poverty – the hurting, death, and “turning of the other cheek”.


City of God

The movie is about poverty and effect it has on kids lives. In this movie the kids grow up in gangs, robbing and shooting people, basically live a life of chaos and violence. When children have to live in poverty they are usually shown violence at a very early age. This movie is more for the older generation having subtitles. You wonder how these kids can live this way. Is it right for kids to lose their childhood? Watching the hardships and death that the kids have to go through, you feel sad for them. This movie shows you the problems, which shouldn’t be happening. The movie will help readers to connect to the idea of poverty on a whole new level, where they can see the horrible things happening in front of them and also see that bad things do actually happen to kids. This presentation combined with all these ideas will help show the different dimensions of poverty and how it affects people on so many levels

Book and poem

This book is about poverty in America and how people are struggling to make means end and live off of minim wage. This is similar to the idea of workers not making enough money to buy food and survive in Ecuador. The poem reflects how no body is really helping them. The over all theme of the book is that money is to low to survive off of, I think these writings are for older aged people. I had read the book for high school and from many of my peirs thoughts and reflections, I felt they hadn’t truly understood the message. This book brings up the thought of “how can you let this happen to some people” and makes you feel like you can not just stand around. You feel for the writer and all the problems she goes through, and how so many other people have had to live their lives this way makes you sad. With low income how can you survive a healthy life, logically you cant. If the reader was to read the book I think they would create a strong connection to the topic and be able to relate more to poverty and its effects. The book is about malnutrition and poor living conditions due to poverty in America. This is a good connection to the more extreme poverty in Ecuador. The poem talks about how people are not helping the poor and how they are not doing anything because it is not their problem yet.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ana bib 197-228

Gregory Dwyre
Annotated Bibliography

Vogler, Christopher, and Michele Montez. The Writer's Journey : Mythic Structure for Writers. Boston: Michael Wiese Productions, 2007. 197-228.

The next two part that Volger talks about is the resurrection and the return home with the elixir. The resurrection is described as the true climax of the story, being the last and most dangerous meeting with death. This is usually where there should be another death and resurrection scene. From this experience the hero is now a changed person and this resurrection is the final touch. The hero could go through a physical or mental or spiritual cleansing, or the event could be more life threatening with something such as a showdown. Usually to show that you succeeded the hero needs some sort of proof.
After being a changed person the hero needs to show it, which is usually what ends up happening on the return trip home. Volger goes into the different types of events that can occur, such as a tragic return where the hero doesn’t make it back but their memory lives on.

What I found interesting was when Volger talked a little about the two story forms. The one that most people in America are used to is the circular story form where all your questions are answered, and then there is the other form called the open form where there are many question left up to the audience to figure out. People tend to like the circular movies more.

1) Which of the many different ways to show that the hero has changed is the best?
2) What is our obsession with the death and rebirth
3) Why do you think America and Europe have such different views in how stories should end; real life verses fake?
4) Is the climax on the heroes way home? Also which is better a loud climax or a quiet subtle one

Extra Credit final

1)Donated 1000 grains of rice
2)My life is traveling the world- 6 words

A Grandmother Who Eased A Boy's Burdens

Google translates text untouched by human hands

5)Watched the videos- first one really stupid and boring, the movie clips were more interesting
6)My grandpa spends most the day on his own because everyone is always running around trying to do things. I decided to spend a whole day with him. He loved it was so happy.
7)Free Pass
8)Free Pass

Big Bad Wolf Aka the shadow in heros journey

I voted today, 202 near kmart

11) i sent my college essay
12)Went to every class
13) Used free pass on Volger
14)Free Pass