Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cartoon Charater

I would like to think that everyone has seen Tom and Jerry at least once in his or her life. I grew up on this show and I am in love with it. I would be Jerry and the my brother would be Tom.
The basics behind the story is that Tom the cat is always trying to catch and eat Jerry the mouse. In the old, and I consider better, versions there was no talking only music, everything else was conveyed through the characters actions. I have always been close to my brother and I still am. I like to say that we lived what I call a healthy sibling relationship, which for obvious reasons I am going to call the “Tom and Jerry effect”. When ever our parents took their eyes off of us we would be chasing each other and trying to get at eat others throats.
In the cartoon Tom the cat is the one who usually tries to start the conflict, which was what my brother did. Jerry usual tried to keep to himself and mind his own business. When I was younger I liked to daydream and wonder off on my own. My brother would always find me and be waiting around the corner with some evil plot of chaos planned. In the movie the cat would always take things to far and get in trouble, and who was there to help him get out of it, Jerry! That has been true with my brother our whole life. No matter how rough our fights got I was always willing to help him out.

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